Sunday, February 27, 2011

Bathroom Makeover: Option One

Okay, okay. I know that the hall bathroom remodel isn’t more than a month over (after lasting nearly a year:), but my mind has been working on the final bathroom: the master. Now I swore I wouldn’t be touching that one myself and will dutifully save up the money to pay for someone else to do the full reno, and I have no desire go back on my word. However, that day will be years off, and probably will be the very last of the teal to leave this house.

Which calls for a mini,  live-with-what-you-got redo and I had an idea brewing for a little while. So I’m going with Option One: make it pretty on the cheap.

Option Two will most certainly have a stone countertop and tub deck, porcelain tub, tiled floor… the works.

But first, the before shots (which except for some towel bars, nothing new from move-in day):




Thanks to these towels from Target, I began having hope I could do some with those teal stripes:


Which got me thinking…. ya know what a great wall color would be? A pale, grey-ish, very cool green… a lot like the exact color I loved and put on the walls in the hall bathroom, Valspar’s Roasted Garlic. And… there was tons left over. Hello, free wall color.

Towels Wall

So, away I painted. 

Now, I’m working on some wall art and a window valence to help make the make all the colors feel more deliberant… not just like I bought some towels to try to desperately “go” with the permanent teal accents. (How did this happen? I swore February was going to be the month I focused on just my quilt and not succumb to Crafty ADD)

In the next few months, I hope to find a pair of mirrors, install a new light, and swap out the light switches to crisp white.

This bathroom and I might actually start to become friends with the way this mini redo is going.

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