Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Guest Bathroom Update

It’s been forever since we began our journey of bathroom remodels. Our hall / guest / future kid’s bathroom has really done us in and taught us never to underestimate the skills needed to gut and tile a bathroom. Never.

We honestly thought this bathroom would be a great “learning experiment” for the master bathroom which we also desperately want to tackle. Yeah…. that’s gonna take a few years to gather the strength and the savings, cuz we’re going professional that time around :)

Here’s how it looked at purchase:

Before 1 Before 2

Crummy, gross shower. Yucky toilet. Teal countertops. Builder grade tile, mirror, light.

We had a family member help with do the tiling, while my husband did the demo and reinstall of the molding, fixtures. I proudly can say I grouted and agonized over tile and paint choices.

As you can see, the shower fixtures and vanity top are still MIA, hopefully to appear sometime this week. But in the meantime I want to show off my purdy tile .


The subway tile and inset niche shelf were automatic givens. The strip of accent tile was love at first sight. Mix of light sage green glass and creamy natural stones. Wall color is Valspar’s “Roasted Garlic”- love, love, love.



Also a given: giant diagonal floor tiles in a creamy stone.


Vanity, mirror and lights will be the same as our half bath:

After half Bath 3

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